About Benny

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Sällberg, PhD.


Chief Research & Development Officer

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I am an EU citizen, born in Sweden and living in Austria since 2011. From 1999 to 2003 I studied Electrical Engineering with emphasis on applied signal processing at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Karlskrona, Sweden. Directly after completing my master studies I started a PhD. program with the Graduate School of Telecommunications, a joint education program between the Royal Institute of Technologies (KTH), Stockholm Sweden and BTH, where I obtained the PhD. degree in 2008. 

Besides my studies I have been working as a research and application engineer with a focus on electrical engineering applications in various product fields. Since 2005 I am head of research and development at Exaudio AB, Sweden and since 2012 I am providing consulting services at Sällberg Technologies, Austria. 

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At Autoklang I am truly the technical “Nerd”, being in charge of the technical research and development of our innovative products. My responsibilities includes hardware design, electrical schematic/circuit board layout, software development of embedded systems and DAW software plugins. I am also in charge of our in-house production that ensures “High Quality – Made in Austria”. 

My professional career makes a perfect fit for Autoklang as signals and their processing is very close to my heart. Here at Autoklang, together with Alexander & Anders, we disrupt the music industry and create powerful yet easy to use products for you, that have never been seen before.

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+43 660 4849960

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Friedrich-Schiller-Straße 11
4840 Vöcklabruck, Austria
